Do you won't to make some real money in the market? Well if you said yes then here we go if not LEAVE NOW (hey where did everyone go?).

Anyways I recently put together some helpful trading resources that any trader would like to check out in the right column. Well in the coming days I will be covering upon a few that will really give you a boost in making money.

Today I would like to start with one that I have had for awhile now and has really helped me in trading which is What they do is they keep there eyes on the market for you so if a big move happens you don't miss out. It's great for working people that don't have the time to track the market all day. It's also great for the pros that have a lot to track. Here is a video to tell you more. This is great.

Did you hear that I think it's worth a look. To check it out Click Here!